当前位置: 首页 商业银行招聘启事 法国兴业银行2009年校园招聘[管理培训生]
What is CITIZEN ACT? • CITIZEN ACT is amongst one of the most innovative Business Games, exclusively focused on Corporate Social Responsability (CSR). • Following the success of the first two editions, Société Générale Group is launching the third edition of CITIZEN ACT on a wider scale. • 40 schools & universities in season I, 82 in season II… This year, CITIZEN ACT III will count 120 degree programmes from around the world! How to play CITIZEN ACT? • CITIZEN ACT III is an online business game accessible @ www.CITIZENACT.com
• This year, the competition is open to students from 35 countries all over Europe, Africa, the Mediterranean Basin as well as Canada, India, Russia and China. • Students compete in teams of 3 by answering the following question: « What could Société Générale offer to its clients, its employees, its shareholders in order to enhance the company’s commitment to Corporate Social Responsability ? » The game takes place in 3 stages : 1/ The registration stage from October 15th to December 15th 2/ 60 teams will be selected for the CITIZEN ACT OPENING MEETING on Tuesday, February 3rd 2009. They will be invited to the headquarters of Société Générale in Paris to present their project and launch the animation of their blog (from February 9th to 28th, 2009) 3/ At the end of the second stage, 6 teams will be qualified for the CITIZEN ACT FINAL CONTEST that will take place at the end of March 2009. 3 projects will be awarded a prize (last year these were eco-friendly trips to Peru, Gabon & Morocco) 请同学们在活动网站(http://www.citizenact.com/index_en_intro.html
)注册时以三人一组进行注册,单人注册将被视为无效注册。 关注网站了解活动具体信息:
届时,法兴银行总部的Citizen Act全球竞赛活动中国赛区同时启动,此次活动中国区2-4个优胜团队将会被邀请到法国参加决赛,并赢得奖金。